Easy Homemade {iced} Frothy Coffee

I am all about making a little homemade latte with foam. We call them “frothy coffees” around our house, and now that the weather is warming up, I thought I’d share my favorite, easy iced version with you!

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The only tool you need that you might not already have is a coffee press. My hubs brought one into our marriage, so score! They are easily found (try Target), and can be scored for under $20 (just google “bodum coffee press” to find the kind we have).

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First, I pour milk into the coffee press, making sure the milk is high enough that the plunger mechanism on the coffee press can reach it. [I use about 2 cups.] Then microwave the milk for two minutes… But remember NOT to put in the metal plunger part until after you’re done microwaving it, for goodness’ sake! Just the milk in the glass container and hard plastic handle/cover.

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To make the iced frothy coffee, pour brewed coffee into a tall cup to about 1/4 full. Then add a handful or two of ice. [I use 1 cup of coffee and about 8 ice cubes in a large cup.]

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Next is the fun part! Once your milk is warmed up, add sugar to taste. [I added 3 heaping spoonfuls… but I am one who likes a little coffee with my milk and sugar, so you might have to hold back a little.] Then “froth” the milk by moving the plunger up and down several times (like 8-10) in the coffee press.

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Your milk will froth and expand to fill the whole press!

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Then, lift the plunger just enough to open the coffee press, and pour your frothed milk into your cup until full.

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Give it a light stir, and you’re ready to roll! YUM!

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Mmmmm, frothy… Nom nom nom. [I recommend a straw to avoid a frothy mustache… Unless that’s your thing.]

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I go for a big ol’ cup of it, usually, but here it is in a pretty glass, too, so you can see the layers of yumminess. 🙂

So, any other coffee lovers out there have a favorite way to make and take your coffee in warmer weather? Do tell! Wheeee!

4 responses to “Easy Homemade {iced} Frothy Coffee

  1. I can’t believe it took me this long to try this! I LOVE coffee. I changed things up a bit … and I’m not sure, but I think I heard angels sing 😉 Instead of just sugar, I used my sugar-free caramel coffee syrup. WOW! I love the “foam” consistency and the taste is better than what I can replicate from my espresso machine. WIN! Thanks!!!


  2. Pingback: Instant Cheater-Latte Morning Coffee Recipe | CampClem·

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