Kid Fun: Sugar Cookies {kicked up a notch}

Is it rainy where you are today, too? It’s our first Monday of summer break here at CampClem, so our spirits are not easily dampened! We pulled out our big book of rainy day ideas for inspiration and brainstormed some possibilities, then we settled on whipping up some from-scratch sugar cookies. We used this simple recipe from all

Of course, plain sugar cookies are okay and all, but we prefer to inject a little fun and creativity.

Join us! Divide the cookie dough into several small bowls, and then let your kids add food coloring, cocoa, chocolate chips, etc. to them.

It’s fun to make cute shapes… Oi, and slimy, snaky boy shapes, too…

It’s not hard to make magic when your kids are still little… {And actually, this post isn’t really about cookies, but a challenge to relish the time you have with your precious ones! Don’t miss the opportunities when they present themselves…}

The dough we added cocoa to seemed a little dry, so we added another egg (i.e. cooking glue), a little more flour (so not too gooey), and a skosh more sugar (because well, um, hello, have we met?)… The great thing about baking is you can play around like that! Oh my, and a few Andes mint chocolate chips made these ones super-yummo!

Of course, you can torture Big Bro make this educational by practicing a few math skills: “If we need 2 and 3/4 cups of flour, how many 1/4 cups will it take to get that much?”

Oof! That’s enough brain flexing for one day! …Let’s eat! {Ew! Gross, Big Bro!}

So, will you go on a baking adventure with your kids this week? It’s cheap, easy, and fun! Make some memories, then report back, ‘k?!

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