Breaking Up: One Suit, Three Looks

Well, you might question this suit I purchased today. It was 80% off retail, so that is one undeniable mark in my favor. But something being inexpensive is not reason enough to buy it: you should really love it, too. And I do.

I confess, it is a little Jackie-O-meets-an-Easter-egg-hunt as a set. I might be able to pull it off Easter Sunday? But even at over 80% off, that’s not a very good cost-per-wear investment. So why not break up the set?

I am a complete sucker for a good blazer. I just love the way a simple jacket makes even a pair of my favorite jeans feel put-together. And the details on this one had me at hello. First of all, the color is pure sunshine. And it’s got a loverly texture to it, like embossed circles, a little vintage retro feel, maybe?

I’m thinking this blazer with an embellished white tank, jeans, and black accessories could be yummy. And how fun is black, white, and yellow?!

It would be just dandy with a simple pair of flats.

Or it gives me the excuse to wear my zebra print calf hair ballet flats (which I kinda love both because they are a little fun and because I got them on sale a few years ago for $20!).

Then, come spring, I can pair this happy skirt with this ruffle collar shirt, grey heels, and turquoise jewelry. Huzzah! Fresh and ready to go!

So, do you have any suits languishing in your closet that just need a little “break”?

P.S. I’ll try to get one of the boys to snap a pic of this blazer on me later today, if you’re curious… I’ll post it to the CampClem facebook page. Have you “liked” the CampClem facebook page yet? If not, please do! That’d be just swell. 🙂  You can click on over through the link to the right and up a bit there —–>


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3 responses to “Breaking Up: One Suit, Three Looks

  1. I just want to tell you that I love your blog! I am not much of a blog reader or even make time to get on the computer as much as I would like but I absolutely love your posts. I love how you have very good common sense ideas on a budget and your love for the Lord and your family. Keep up the good work!!


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