Organization: Simple Stylish Toy Storage Solution

I’m not a fan of having rainbow colored bin shelving lining the walls of my kids’ rooms. Nor am I a fan of having floors so covered with toys that to walk across them would be potentially life-threatening. Thankfully, my sweet boys clean up all their mess (pretty much) at the end of every day. [We’re still training our little girl… but she’s young yet. 😉 ] So they get to go to bed in tidy rooms (and we don’t break our necks when we sneak in to check on them at night!).

So what’s our secret? It’s the same with most any clutter-avoidance: things have to have a place.

But like I said, I’m not in love with most of the kiddie storage options out there on the market. So when we got this dresser at a yard sale last year for $15, it became a perfect storage solution. After we sprayed it the same color as the boys’ other furniture, we simply assigned a drawer for each category.

So one drawer holds miscellaneous small toys (he has a “big miscellaneous toys” tub in his closet); a second hold action figures.

A third holds small cars (mostly matchbox size), and a fourth holds medium-sized cars (they’re boys: we havalotta cars… despite purging for the neighborhood yard sale last year…).

[The top two drawers house undies and socks and jammies and undershirts.] But the bottom four (easily accessible height for our five-year-old) are where the toys are. Hence when his room is clean, it actually looks CLEAN! Who knew?!

So anyone else out there use a dresser to organize a lot of your kids’ toys? (Or are you going to now?!) Wheeeee!


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3 responses to “Organization: Simple Stylish Toy Storage Solution

  1. When I was growing up we had one dresser…just for Legos. It was the one toy with which my brother and I would both play. It was great! It was also organized by category per dresser drawer, and made creativity less frustrating by knowing where to search for just the right piece.

    As far as the “Matchbox” style of cars, my son was a collector. We had a special decorative case made with five small shelves to show off his favorite cars at the moment, and large 24-grid clear plastic jewelry storage boxes to garage his other cars. The storage boxes were stored in an under-the-bed rolling tote that could nicely disappeared behind the bedspread.

    I really miss those days.


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