Our House Got Egged {and now I’m gonna egg someone else’s}

We came home the other day to see an egg-shaped note taped to the front door. We came in through the garage as usual, and everyone put away coats and shoes as per routine… And Li’l Bro stripped off his layers down to his spidey underoos in about five seconds flat as per his routine… All before I’d made it to the front door to retrieve the note.

Well, that child threw on an undershirt and jeans even quicker that he stripped down when I read the egg-shaped note to them.

01 you've been egged

Like a flash, my 9-, 5-, and 2-year-olds were out the front door and canvasing the front garden for eggs.

02 you've been egged

This is such a cute, whimsical, unexpected blessing, that I have to say that not only did I love it, but I’m planning on repeating it!

The note read, “You’ve been EGGED / There are 12 eggs hidden in your yard! / Enjoy the Hunt, but don’t be discouraged when you find the empty egg. It is a simple reminder of Jesus’ empty tomb… for He is Risen!

03 you've been egged

[The eggs were filled with foil-wrapped chocolates. Sissy was so excited that she bit into one that was still wrapped. Silly girl!]

But how cool is that?! Not only did this hunt provide a bit of entertainment and a treat for my kids, but it was a fantastic blessing to me that someone would think to do that! And the empty egg? Genius. My kids have never been so eager to be the one who finds the empty egg!!

Now I am TOTALLY all over doing it for someone! But shhh, don’t tell them it was me, m’kay?!

So, who’s in? Wanna egg someone’s house too?! Wheeeeee!

**UPDATE: I found a link to the free printable pictured above, huzzah! Go get it here.

2 responses to “Our House Got Egged {and now I’m gonna egg someone else’s}

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