Kindergarten Flower Art… Um, The BOY Version

One of my favorite things to do when our eldest was in kindergarten was to tackle the family art projects that were sent home each month. They allowed freedom to express our faith, creativity, and general silliness…

There were pumpkins and scrarecrows in the fall, snowmen at winter, etc. But spring rolled around, and the assignment was a flower. The kindergartners had to cut out several petals from a template (to work on those fine motor cutting skills), and we were asked to put a photo in the middle.

I thought a whole wall display of adorable kindergarteners in full bloom would look absolutely too stinking adorable. Dangerously bordering on precious, even.

My son? Not so enthused by the idea of gluing his face into the center of a flower. He gave me the “seriously mom, are you kidding” look.

Um… and it was kind of a perfect look, actually… So I told him to “look mad but still smile” to get this shot. So while he cut out petals, I cut out a body with its hands, or er, its leaves placed firmly on its hips as if to say, “I cannot believe you dressed me up as a flower.”

I think it turned out kinda perfect. And now it’s one of my most cherished keepsakes from that year.

{Speaking of cherished keepsakes, did you know your children are a gift from the Lord? A handcrafted, intentionally-woven, purpose-filled inheritance from Him? Won’t you celebrate that with your precious ones today? Here are a couple of favorite verses that speak to it: Psalm 127:3 and Psalm 139:13-16…}

So, how do YOU turn a potentially unappealing assignment into pure fun over at your camp? Do tell!

3 responses to “Kindergarten Flower Art… Um, The BOY Version

  1. Pingback: Teacher Said Make It Unique {family art assignment} | CampClem·

  2. Pingback: Family Turkey Project Template - Sample Templates·

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