Winner Winner Chicken Dinner: Mary Kay Night Cream

Well, first off, I just want to thank my friend Carrie for offering up this Mary Kay night cream as a giveaway on my blog. How awesome and generous of her is that? {Thank you, friend}

When I originally talked with her about getting a personal makeup refresher, I had asked if she might be willing to donate a giveaway if I ended up blogging it, and she said YES! [That’s kind of a super-neat perk of being a blogger, I think: I can ask people to offer up something for a giveaway, and they say yes!] She even wrapped it in this cute little bag & bow and included a pair of black knit gloves–perfect to tuck into your coat pockets and pull out when a chilly fall afternoon hits!

AND Carrie was willing to work around my schedule and even come to my house while my babies were sleeping. Score one in the convenience column! Although I’m not sure Mary Kay is for me (old habits–and more specifically: brand loyalties–die hard), I really like the convenience, wearability, and accessibility of the products.

If you want to give Mary Kay a try (and are local to Western North Carolina), let her know, and I’m sure she’d be thrilled to treat you to a makeover too! But without further ado, let’s get to the winner, shall we?!

I tallied up the totally number of NON-me-or-Carrie comments and came up with 21 total. Gracious, I hope that’s right–I recounted twice, so fingers crossed! Then I headed over to the handy-dandy to find a random number in a 1-21 range (so thankful for that bit of randomness so I’m not tempted to choose a favorite!!). And number eleven, it is!!

And lookie there! CRYSTAL is the winner. I have notified Crystal via email, and {hopefully} I’ll hear from her soon! Congratulations, Crystal! I pray this prize is a blessing to your day (not to mention nourishment to your skin!!).

And to all my blog-reading friends out there: pray YOU ALSO have a blessed and wonderful rest of the day! Wheeeeee! I deeply appreciate your dropping in and love it when you take the time to say “hello” in the comments section! Thank you for blessing MY days, friends!

4 responses to “Winner Winner Chicken Dinner: Mary Kay Night Cream

  1. GIna, WOW I won! YAY! but, I really wasn’t trying to win with my comments. Please give the wonderful product to a local that needs an extra ‘hug’. It will be better used that way (and save you the postage). Thank you for all of your inspiration, it’s a daily blessing.


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