How To Rock Teacher Appreciation Week {part 1}

Okay, so I am honored and humbled to serve as a class mama for Li’l Bro’s kindergarten class. It’s such a special, fun year and–uftda–I don’t know how those teachers keep up! So when it comes to National Teacher Appreciation week, I am more than happy to try to help organize a bit of spoiling for our teachers!

[These ideas would also be great for end-of-year gifts or for you to offer help if there is not an “official” class coordinator for your kiddos’ classes… Because you KNOW how I feel about our dear educators getting 20 “World’s Best Teacher” mugs!] So here’s to git ‘er done!

Teacher Appreciation Week letter home 01

Okay, so the first thing to do is get the word out! Our kids each bring home a “FROG” folder every day, so I asked our Teacher Assistant to slip in these letters so they could make it home. I grabbed a 25-pack of cute kiddy stationery and made the margins of my note wide enough so the wording would fit inside the border.

Teacher Appreciation Week letter home 01 detail 1

They each include a brief description of what we’re planning, a clear and specific call to action and timeline, and contact information for any questions.

Teacher Appreciation Week letter home 01 detail 2

At the bottom of the later, I included two addendum. One was so that–hopefully–everyone felt he or she could participate, whatever the amount. and the second was as a reminder to love on all our “specials” teachers too!

Teacher Appreciation Week letter home 02

The next “page” was an envelope. Y’all, people are BUSY, and with the end of the school year drawing near, summer daze is setting in. Make it as simple as possible for families to respond to your invitation! [I use mailing labels to keep these simple for me, too. I do NOT want to write this reminder on 20 envelopes. And–although every gift is presented to the teacher from ALL the kids–no one is left out whether or not he sent in money–I am able to give the teachers a list of names should they request it for specific thank you notes. [And a couple of parents sent in $20 when I asked for $5!! I see you!! Thank you for standing in the gap for those who were not able to send in anything, what a sweet blessing!!]

Teacher Appreciation Week letter home 03

The third page had a silly questionnaire for the kids to fill in (with help from their parents).

Teacher Appreciation Week letter home 04

I also added a printed post-it–because I did not want to write this 20 times either–with a reminder of the “due” date. [P.S. Do you know how mind-numbingly easy it is to print post-its?? I shall have to share some time!!]

Teacher Appreciation Week letter home 05

Each of the questionnaires was printed on colored cardstock, so they would look cute when compiled into a memory book for our teachers. I folded each in half–letter, envelope, and questionnaire stapled together–and taped the bottom to help keep those teachers from peeking! 😉  [Our amazing Teacher Assistant took the returned questionnaires and envelopes straight out of returned kid folders and put them straight into my sons. So our mail system worked out well! 🙂

I’ve tried a couple of different Teacher Appreciation Week tactics over the years (you know, in addition to my absolute FAVORITE teacher gift!). My two favorite are either to supply day themes for kids to bring in whatever they want or can each day–like favorite treats one day, flowers another, etc.–or to pool our resources and budget out the week. This takes a little more planning and execution, but it is SO FUN and worth it.

Teacher Appreciation Week Monday chocolate

On Monday, our teacher was at a training conference, but I still wanted to start the week off right with a little happy for her & our assistant, who was there, so I filled cute little bags with favorite candy cars. Our teacher assistant especially LOVES chocolate. WIN.

Teacher Appreciation Week Tuesday Starbucks

Tuesday, we started picking up steam, literally, with a Starbucks custom order. I found out each teacher’s favorite treat and drink and delivered them to the teachers “from their class” Tuesday morning. YUMMO!

budget custom floral arrangements

We did something for each day of the week, and I hope they feel truly and deeply appreciated! Wanna see how we made two custom floral arrangements on a $25 budget? Come back Wednesday!!

funny memory book for teachers

Thusday & Friday’s gifts included class supplies, gift cards, a decorative name sign, and the silly questionnaire photo book. I’ll share those on Friday, so I hope you’ll come back to see how it all came together!

[And speaking of appreciation, can I just take a moment to say I appreciate you? I never imagined when I began my journey two years ago as a blogger, that I would have thousands of readers each day, over 2.7 million views, a presence in countries all over the world, and one–that I know of–top google search (looking for “ruffle pants,” anyone?). It’s crazy. And I love it. So thank you.]

And–like I said–these would all be great end-of-year gifts too! [There’s a teacher gift idea round-up here too.] Or pin these ideas for next year! Wheeeeee!

Pick Your Plum review & giveaway 018

Okay, SO, in other news… Wanna know who won the Pick Your Plum box full of goodies?!

[drum roll please]

Congratulations to Audrey McCartin of New Albany, Indiana!  Here’s what Audrey had to say when I emailed her:

I am such a huge fan of yours! I taught my self to sew last year using your tutorials for little girls clothes :). I am a stay at home mom with a 3 1/2 yr old daughter. I am passionate about The Lord, healthy living and gardening and I really enjoy teaching my daughter to love the earth and science through hatching and caring for insects like praying mantids and butterflies. Geeky is the new cool 😉

So fun!! Thanks to all who entered!

6 responses to “How To Rock Teacher Appreciation Week {part 1}

  1. Pingback: How To Rock Teacher Appreciation Week {part 2} | CampClem·

  2. Pingback: How To Rock Teacher Appreciation Week {part 3} | CampClem·

  3. Pingback: How To Print On Post-It Notes {the fastest, simplest way} | CampClem·

  4. Pingback: Flowering Gift {with extra blooms} | CampClem·

  5. OMG, I just love your letter to parents. May I be so bold and ask you to share this document with me? I am new to helping in class and this is exactly what I’m looking for. Thank you!


  6. HELP! Did you provide a link or template for your actual letter and things so I can use it??? I need THAT much help! 🙂 Thanks!


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