A Little Picture Frame DIY For Sissy’s Room

Sissy has this fantastic peg rack in her room which I love because I got it cheap-as-chips on close out (at Pottery Barn Outlet) and is perfect for me because I’m artsy-like so and love to change what’s hanging on it.

sissy frames on peg rack

Although, I never really do change what is on it (but it’s nice to have the option), because these two little darling photos have been hanging there quite merrily since the rail was installed.

sissy frames on peg rack close up

These two cutie hanging frames were made using what I had around the house.

sissy frames backs

The one on the left is just an old frame that got a ribbon hanger stapled to the back and some green-with-pink-polka-dots acrylic craft paint slathered on.

sissy frames scrapbook paper mitered corners and ribbon hanger

The other one is an 8″ x 10″ canvas with four strips of pink gingham scrapbook paper (cut on a 45 degree angle at the corners) mod podged on (the photo’s mod podged right on too) and a bit of ribbon and fabric scrap stapled on for a hanger. Marvelous!

And since I had everything on hand–old canvas, ribbon, paint, mod podge–this projects cost me nada. Nice, a little no-cost decorative frame action! But even if you didn’t have the supplies, you could pick up a couple of dollar store frames and a few paints for under $5 total!

sissy frames polka dot frame picture

In other news, I particularly lurve the photo of our three cuties (in the polka dot frame) that I snapped right here in our living room a couple of years ago and used on a cutie Valentine’s card I’ll share with you soon. So you might want to check out my post on setting up your own home photo studio to get ready for that! Wheeeee!


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LINK How To Create A Home Photo Studio In Minutes

LINK organizing the crafty mayhem

2 responses to “A Little Picture Frame DIY For Sissy’s Room

  1. Pingback: A DIYer’s Home: Art Tour | CampClem·

  2. Pingback: 70 DIY Photo frames | Rilane - We Aspire to Inspire·

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