How To Make The Fastest, Easiest, Cheapest {cutest} DIY Clip Frame

When it comes to art in my home, I’ve come to realize that I like it done. But changeable.

I am not one who gets gratification from constant arranging and rearranging… Especially when nail holes, spackle, and touch-up painting are involved. So I like the art I hang to stay hung. For a long time.

BUT that sort of flies in the face of my artistic temperament. I like to change things up… [I just don’t want to have to change them to… you know… change them.]

DaySpring clip frame inspirationSo, anyhoo, enter the clip frame. [The above are from DaySpring, and they are my inspiration!] I love clip frames for their versatility (make them look any way you want) and practicality. They are ideal for kids’ art display, office memo board, photo frames, even wedding reception decor, and, of course… a creative’s space.

DIY clip frame 2You can make a clip frame in pretty much any size. Heck, get a 4′ x 8′ sheet of 1/4″ ply and use the whole thing as a large scale display if you want! Clip to your heart’s content. For a more manageable size, keeping it at or under 12″ x 12″ works well so you can use a sheet of scrapbook paper to decorate it. [For a larger clip frame, using a sheet of designer wrapping paper is also a great route to take!] I had a whole slew of these cut from one sheet of 1/4″ plywood that cost around $15 for the sheet at Lowe’s–they cut it for me.

DIY clip frame 03SUPPLIES:

1/4″ piece of plywood cut to your preferred size, rough edges sanded smooth (I use 6″ x 8″ pieces in this post)

scrapbook paper, enough to cover the front and, optionally, the back of your piece of wood. (I used paper from a 12″ x 12″ pad trimmed to size)

glue stick (or spray glue or mod podge)

grip clip(s) (I used size #1, 1-1/4″ wide ones in this post)

1/4″ screw(s)

12-16″ ribbon

duct tape


rough grit sandpaper (I used 60 grit)

scissors (optional)

DIY clip frame 04DIRECTIONS:

This project almost could not be simpler! Once you have your piece of wood (and the raw edges are sanded), simply glue a sheet of scrapbook paper to cover its surface. [You can use a glue stick, spray glue, or mod podge, etc., to glue down, and–optionally–mod podge to seal your surface.]

DIY clip frame 05[You can either pre-cut the paper to size or glue it down and then sand the edges to rough off the excess paper.]

DIY clip frame 06A magnetic screwdriver definitely comes in handy with a screw this small!

DIY clip frame 07Place the grip clip where you want it on your frame, and screw it straight through the back hole of the clip to the wood. You do not need to pre-drill, just push a little as you turn the screwdriver. Don’t overturn the screw and strip the hole, making your clip loose.

DIY clip frame 08Finally, flip over your clip frame, and duct tape a piece of ribbon to the back to form a hanger. If you are giving this as a gift (or just want the back to look pretty too), glue a piece of cut-to-size or trimmed scrapbook paper to the back also.

DIY clip frame 09They are super cute left simple, but embellishments are fun too!

DIY clip frame 10I added a little fun burlap “bow” to one…

DIY clip frame 11And when I did this craft at a MOPS International gathering last week, I was so tickled with all the fun creativity!

DIY clip frame 11'One mom googled bird images on her phone to inspire this cute design.

DIY clip frame 12And this mom clearly has her act more together than I, as she seems to be a meal planner! [Hmm… or maybe this is where she clips the takeout menus?! Ha!]

DIY clip frame 13I loved this creative look too with torn paper layers.

DIY clip frame 14DIY clip frame 17DIY clip frame 18So use your imagination and creativity, and make something personalized and special!

DIY clip frame 15DIY clip frame 16Use for wedding reception table numbers, kids’ party scavenger hunt/treasure map holders (that double as party favors), scripture verse-of-the-week holder, easily-changed photo frames or kid art displays (I’ve got a bigger triple-clip one in the works with just such a plan in mind!), cute teacher gifts, and more!

Wheeee! blog signature

4 responses to “How To Make The Fastest, Easiest, Cheapest {cutest} DIY Clip Frame

  1. I am a MOPS coordinator. When I sas the title of this post I thought it seemed perfect for a craft day! I got very tickled when I read you did this with MOPS. Hahaha! I have flowed you for your craftiness and love of Jesus. Now, I will add MOPS to the list!


  2. I love this idea! As a teacher gift, this rocks! I am a teacher and, though I don’t expect to recieve this as a gift, I’m planning on making a set to use in my classroom for things like my “Daily Hopper” and for the Heart Words that I teach. Thank you for this incredible idea!!!!!!


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  4. Love this idea. I teach classes at a Senior Center. And, I think they would love these! I do need to find a substitute for plywood, as sanding would be to much for them


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