{stinkin’ cute} Layered Shabby Monogram Applique Tutorial

I whipped up a little pair of green seersucker and pink microcord knickers for Sis last week, but they needed a little outfit completer…

And I had a cute simple vintage style top I’d gotten for just $4, but it needed a coordinating embellishment. So I cut out her initial, “C” (if you can’t freehand that, print out two of the letter on your computer, one slightly larger than the other, cut them out, then trace them onto the fabric–or pin the paper to the fabric and cut).

I didn’t use any heat-n-bond or anything to attach the letters permanently to the shirt, but I just gave a quick mist of craft spray adhesive to keep them in place while sewing (this washes out, you could pin instead if you wanted).

Then I simply sewed around the perimeter of the C, staying just inside the smaller one. You can use a zig-zag or straight stitch, coordinating or contrast-colored thread. And the “C” frayed just perfectly in the wash.

I love it! Such a lovely, sweet look!

So, anyone else out there working on some crafty clothing this beautiful Monday afternoon?

One response to “{stinkin’ cute} Layered Shabby Monogram Applique Tutorial

  1. Pingback: The Summer Shorts Sew-A-Thon {& upcycle-o-rama} | CampClem·

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