Swagger Up The Swagger Wagon {with chalk ink markers}

Ohhhhhhh! Myyyyyyy! Gracioussssssss! {It’s finally here.} The last day of school!! Until further notice: Celebrate everythiiiiiiiiiiing!!!!!!

We’ve been counting down for a couple of weeks, and now there are no more tear-off links on the countdown chain!!!!!

Commence this mamma’s happy dance. All three of my babies are home for Ten! Solid! Weeks! y’all. {I’m a little bit excited.}

We have developed the tradition of decorating the car for the last day of school each year. This year, I used Chalk Ink wet wipe markers to decorate the swagger wagon (and LOVED the ease of use and results). I use these on our little chalkboard at home, but this morning when I realized I’d forgotten to get car window paint (YIKES!), it dawned on me that these might do the trick, and sure enough they are good on chalkboards, glass, plastic, and metal. Wahoo!

Party on, Wayne! {Party on, Garth!}

…Oh! And a little housekeeping:

I was inspired & invigorated today by this picture on a friend’s post {whose home studies for adoption are THIS WEEKEND! Pray, pray, and celebrate!}

Yeesh! Growth spurt, much?? I heard a pastor share once that if they’re still young, your kids are chasing you for a little attention, and you’d better take advantage of it because it won’t be too long before you’re chasing them for a little attention.

That’s a good word! Can I get an amen?!

And since I pretty much blog about what I’m doing and where I am in my day-to-day life, I’m guessing there will be a lot more kid fun posts to come this summer! Stay tuned!

So, do you have any special end-of-school year traditions? Do tell!

6 responses to “Swagger Up The Swagger Wagon {with chalk ink markers}

  1. So fun! Love the “pimped out” swagger wagon! 😉 You’re making your children’s lives magical! You’ll have an amazing summer together!


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