Winner Announced {and random vacay pics}

Well, the coup of the day was asking every single table of people at the restaurant where we had Li’l Bro’s birthday dinner to join in singing Happy Birthday to him. The whole place rang it out, even all the staff. It was awesome.

Li’l Bro’s such an extrovert, he lapped it up! Don’t you just love celebrating someone you love?! Happy Fifth Birthday, sweet love!

And now: Please excuse our regularly scheduled programming…

…while I regale you with photos from our week at the beach.

I was sad to say goodbye…

Ahem, but I digress…

Meanwhile (according to the random number generator at, the winner of the pair of tickets to The Gathering is {drum roll, please}…

…comment number 9! Melissa Morris! Congratulations, Melissa!! I’ll be in touch to get those to you!

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