Updating Sissy’s Paintings {with scrapbook paper & fabric}

The thing about making your own art (well, for me at least) is that it’s hard to call it done. So today during Sissy’s nap, I removed her Pottery Barn Kids-inspired paintings and added a little fabric and scrapbook paper to them.

nursery 08 art angle

There are just a few simple additions, but they are enough to breathe new life into these pieces for me.

nursery 08 art

Here’s the before (above).

Sissy paintings fabric paper update mess

So I spent eighty cents on four sheets of scrapbook paper and used some fabric scraps I had on hand to add a few touches. first, I laid out the canvases and just played around with the paper & fabric to decide where to use it.

Sissy paintings fabric paper update dry fit

…A roof here, some grass there, a planter over there… Next, I cut out all the accent pieces and dry fit them to see if I liked my choices and placement.

Sissy paintings fabric paper update mod podge

Then, I used mod podge both as a glue (on the back of the scrapbook paper and fabric) and as a sealer (on the front) to attach my little accents.

Sissy paintings fabric paper update detail

I just added a few touches to each painting to make the whole grouping feel fresh again to me.

Sissy paintings fabric paper update after

Then once they were dry, I hung them back up. Voila!

This would be a fun way to add new room accent colors or update existing painting colors. And the paper and fabric add a nice textural dimension to the pieces.

Hmm… I think I like them… For now! But you know me: always tinkering and tweaking!

So, any pieces in your home that could use some fabric or paper slathered on? Do tell!

2 responses to “Updating Sissy’s Paintings {with scrapbook paper & fabric}

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  2. Pingback: DIYer’s Home Tour: Little Girl’s Bedroom | CampClem·

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