DIY Cheer Swag: Mini Cheerleader {and mom} Get Ready For Another Season

Well, our two boys kicked off another great season of soccer this past weekend. They look so stinkin’ cute ahem, manly and tough in their uniforms! And with Daddy coaching Big Bro’s and assistant coaching Li’l Bro’s team, he is game ready in a coach’s polo. Of course, Li’l Sis & I needed to get in on the action! And you know how much I love a theme, so I made us a little cheer swag.

I didn’t quite get everything done, so my little cheerleader wore a simple turtleneck for her “cheerleader uniform” for the first game. And actually, I think it looked so cute that really you really wouldn’t need to go beyond that if you were time or craftiness-constrained.

But I’m thinking this little Upward Cheerleading logo (I pulled off the internet) tweaked to match the team colors will make a great little iron-on for Sissy’s cheer top.

Maybe something like this (above)!

And rather than making a skirt from scratch this season, I found this cutie-patootie pleated skirt at Wally World (Walmart) for under $5. Score! It even has built in bloomers! Hooray! Here is sissy patiently standing still while I take a photo of the adorable pleatedness of it all… Hmm, or not.

For the pennants, they will each get a felt eagle or something team-spirit-y. I am just annoyingly-crafty enough to probably be able to freehand something like this birdie, but if you happen not to be, you could print a copy of the image, cut it out, then use the cutout as a template/pattern to cut your felt. To find a simple graphic image, I googled “eagle silhouette,” but you could also do a simplified version of the Philadelphia Eagles logo or a simple eagle’s head or talon. That could be cute! And if an image feels like too much, your child’s jersey number is a great but simple option!

And it’s a good thing I went to the effort to make pom-poms and pennants and a mini uniform ’cause look how enthralled Sissy is with Li’l Bro’s game! It’s inspiring!

Gosh, and here she is at the next game just cheering her little guts out for Big Bro: such focus and dedication is rare in one so young! ….Or, hmm, wait… Maybe she’s just flirting with Henry, probably hoping he’ll share more of his fruit snacks, no doubt.

I guess it was more of a soft launch… I’ll probably post again once all the cheer swag reaches completion!

So, anyone else out there love a little spirited theme?

Here’s how you can make some simple swag of your own! [The pom-poms are my favorite: SO cheap, fast, and easy!!]

One response to “DIY Cheer Swag: Mini Cheerleader {and mom} Get Ready For Another Season

  1. Pingback: DIY Mini Cheerleader Uniform {shirt update} | CampClem·

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