The View at the End of the Tunnel

Do you ever just take a drive to clear your head? I do. And seriously, if you lived where I live–in the beautiful mountains of North Carolina–you would too. I love that I can get a thousand or two feet higher in a matter of minutes, and there’s something about looking out over a beautiful vista and breathing deeply of God’s glorious creation that just instantly recharges me.

But I’m not crazy about the tunnels. {I sort of wonder if the walls will hold, or will today be the day that they give in and the whole mountain comes crushing down on top of me.}

And I was reminded that those tunnels can be a lot like life…

Thankfully, before every tunnel, there was a reminder: “turn lights on.”

We all have to journey through some dark places in our lives. But if we can remember to “turn on the light,” we will not have to grapple through the darkness without direction. Jesus said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows Me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life” (John 8:12). Keep praying; keep reading His word (the bible).

But the tunnels can be long. And winding. And dark. So very dark.

You might wonder if you’re ever going to get to the other end. You might wonder if this road is going anywhere at all. Please remember this: “The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged” (Deuteronomy 31:8).

Because before long, the tunnel will end.

And it seems like every time I come out of a tunnel, there’s one of these: “overlook ahead.”

Oftentimes God brings us through dark times to carry us to a place of new and deeper and better perspective.

{And friend, it’s worth it.}

“For God so loved the world that He gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him” (John 3:16-17).

6 responses to “The View at the End of the Tunnel

  1. I just stumbled on your blog & wow! It’s great! I loved this post – the beautiful pictures & scripture! So true & I’m so glad He does go before us & will never leave nor foresake us! đŸ™‚ We are from Greensboro but heading up to Valle Cruis this weekend – a much overdo get away, even with the rain it will be great!
    God Bless!


  2. Gina, I love this post! I’ve learned in my own life that sometimes it is in the darkest times of our lives that we see God most clearly! And yes, God always has something beautiful for us at the end of the dark tunnels in our lives! Keep the post coming!!


  3. Totally love this! It was exactly what I needed today, thank you for your encouraging words. Have a great day, and God Bless You and Your Family!


  4. Although I just came across your blog, and it seems like the above comments were from awhile ago, I want you to know how much I enjoyed reading your inspiring words and quotes from the Bible. Of course, I also enjoyed your suggestions for making affordable, useful, fun and adorable gift baskets. I, too, love to give gifts; and gift baskets are one of my favorite ways to gift friends and family. However, being on a fixed income, I must be cautious about budgeting—I can so easily get “out of control” while shopping for my “fillers” and spend twice what I would spend on a single gift or gift card! But it is such fun and very often easy to keep adding just because you find the “perfect little addition” that will go so well with something else you had found. But mostly, I wanted to tell you how delightful I found your writing to be. I felt as if I were “chatting” with a friend. God bless you as you go about blessing others with your great ideas, your friendly “chatter”, and sharing your faith.


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