Looking For A Good WAMOH? {and a giveaway}

Have you ever met a new friend and joyously marveled at how well you just clicked? I have a few such girlfriends with whom I’ve been blessed to nurture a deeper relationship, and the thing that they all have in common is that they love the Lord and seek to follow Him and honor Him. You can build friendships around any number of hobbies or interests, but if you really want to go deep, you need to connect with those who share a saving relationship with Jesus Christ. If you really want friendships that last, build them on the thing that never changes (God), ‘cause sooner or later, pretty much everything else does. If you don’t already have one, ask God to bring a WAMOH (wam’-Oh) into your life, a “Woman After My Own Heart.”

Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us” (Hebrews 12:1).

If our life of faith is like a race (1 Corinthians 9:23-24), we might want to get a running partner or two with whom to train, non? They can push us, encourage us.

Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for He who promised is faithful. And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds” (Hebrews 10:23-24).

And while you are running your race, God just might use you to spur others on, too. So as a woman, I love meeting together with other bible-believing, God-fearing, Jesus-loving women. What a treat. When we walk with Jesus individually, and then walk with each other in the light of His place in our lives, a powerful thing happens. A greater-than-the-sum-of-its-parts thing. Hearts are broken over sin and suffering. Lives are rebuilt on the Solid Rock instead of on shifting sand. Freedom happens. Love deepens. {It’s pretty awesome.} I hope, friends, you will pray for a WAMOH or two in your life, then get down to the messy work of intimacy. {It’s worth it.}

To such an end, I’d like to issue you a personal invitation to join some dear friends of mine who are leading an incredible one-night women’s conference in Asheville, North Carolina, on Thursday, September 20th, called The Gathering. Not only will you get to hear incredible testimonies of life change and hope from three amazing women, but you might just get the opportunity to connect with a WAMOH or two of your own! Won’t you join us? I’d love to meet you there!

And a giveaway…

On a personal note, we just passed 500,000 views this weekend on my little six-month-old blog! That’s half a million, friends!! Say what?! You better believe I let a WAMOH or two know about that giddy little bit of ridiculousness. So let’s celebrate! I have a free pair of tickets for The Gathering to give away!

You wanna come?! Just leave a comment below to toss your name in the hat! Drawing will close Friday at noon (EST), and the winner of the tickets will be selected by “random number generator” and announced in Friday’s post. Wheeee!


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20 responses to “Looking For A Good WAMOH? {and a giveaway}

  1. Not quite sure how I cam across your blog, but have been reading it for a while. This post spoke to me as I have felt really disconnected from my church and have not made the personal connections that I would like. I will be praying for a WAMOH!! If my name is picked for the giveaway, please gift the tickets to someone else as I live in Texas. Thank you for the encouragement!


    • Sharon,
      I am so blessed by your generous words and spirit. I was praying maybe less than an hour before you posted your comment that if an out-of-towner won the tickets, she would allow me to use them to invite someone and hopefully be a blessing to someone unchurched or dechurched. God bless you, friend!
      g i n a


  2. I am praying that my sweet neighbors will come with me to the Gathering. And I praise God for my WAMOH’s. Often as Christian women we spend time together not promoting our spiritual growth, my girlfriends and I have made a conscious effort to counter that. This is why in the past two years we have been able to on a deeper and more effective level be there for one another through the death of parents, cancer and many other obstacles that life has thrown at us.


  3. You rock CampClem…..I’ve learned more than you know from your blog…..teaches this granma some good stuff you are….blessings to you sweet girl


  4. I wasn’t going to but decided I must. I love love your blog! And our church. Can’t wait for the gathering and if I win I know who I’ll bring. Martha


  5. Praying for tickets for Stephanie and maybe a friend…God bless you and your blog Gina…I’m proud of you…


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