{did you know?} Instant Beach Sand Remover

I hope you’ve made it to the seaside this summer or dipped your toes in an ocean somewhere. Our family has gobs of fun at the beach, and we are blessed to have family that lives ridiculously near a gorgeous white sand beach (can anyone say cheap vacation??).

But the one thing I really do not love about the beach is the stubbornly sticky sand. With our kids’ sun-blocked skin, it seems particularly unwilling to wipe off with a towel or wash off at the beach showers.

But (pssst, did you know?) talcum powder gets off beach sand! Just dry off and apply some talcum powder and the sand just dusts off. It’s kinda glorious! I keep a little travel-size bottle of it in the beach bag.

Anyhoo, just thought you might want to know for your next beach trip! Hope that hot tip helps! Wheeeeee!

So anyone else out there have a great tip for the beach?


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2 responses to “{did you know?} Instant Beach Sand Remover

  1. Shut the front door! How did I not know this. We are planning our end of summer beach vacation right now. First item on the packing list: Talcum!!! Thank you Friend for this potentially sanity saving tip! Love you.


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