Before & After: Totally Fantastic Desk Makeover

I think I just about whinnied this morning when I saw the desk transformation my friend did this weekend.

She had borrowed my paint sprayer to makeover a sad, forlorn desk that was earmarked for Goodwill. “Boring, dark, and heavy,” she called it. But OH! don’t you love a girl who can see a little potential in a piece?!

Her sweet hubby spent the weekend cleaning and painting it. What a guy! Brownie points for him! Sadly, my paint sprayer might have caused as much irritation as it saved time–apparently it kept clogging. Boo on uncooperative tools!

You know me and my aversion to sanding, so she went with a high adhesion primer (look specifically for one that says it will stick to glossy, laminate, or unsanded surfaces.

GAH! Then she chose the most delightful shade of blue! LOVELY! The Valspar color is called “Sea Sparkle.”

And LOOK at the after here in its new home… *I* even feel inspired to get some work done, and it’s not even my office! GUSH. I think the pulls she chose totally make it! Well done on all counts, Elizabeth!

[Oh man, I just love it when I get to see a sad piece of junk transformed into something lovely and useful! It’s a beautiful visual reminder of what God wants to do with our lives. We don’t have to clean ourselves up to come to Him; He will transform us. Have you ever wondered what it really means to “follow Jesus” or “walk with Him”? Oh, friend, how honored I’d be to tell you if you’d only ask!]

Meanwhile, are they any pieces that you could see breathing a little new life into?! Wheeeeeee!


Wanna paint your own furniture (without sanding!)?

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