Split Porch Post Upcycle {my brilliant friends week 2014}

When my friend Jenn and her friend were wandering through The Screened Door and saw half of an old porch post, Jenn and her designer DIY friend saw a great possibility for the $10 piece.

[Yes! $10!! I die.]

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So Jenn did what any person would do with an old split porch post: she took it home, added hooks, and hung it on the wall.

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The finish is perfection. Worn without being flaky, layered without feeling thickly paint-coated.

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She screwed in six double hooks along the length of the front of it.

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Then, securing fashioned wire hangers wound around screws on the back of the post were hung on screws on the wall.

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And there you have it. About eight feet of entry way magic, y’all.

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This is a stylish and functional landing spot for coats and backpacks, in the hallway right by the door. It has personality, spunk, and interest. AND it employs one of my most inspiring things: seeing the glorious potential in something worthless and discarded! TRANSFORMATION. Yes.

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[Well done, my brilliant friend Jenn!! And thanks for letting me share the brilliance with everyone!]

Now don’t you know I am TOTALLY giving the crazy eye to any broken down posts I might spy! WHEEEEEE!


And in other news: today is the LAST day to enter the Matilda Jane Clothing giveaway! Ends at 11:59 tonight. So go enter already, and get your ruffle on. 🙂


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