Tu-Tu Turned Bunting {from our girls’ craft night}

As I mentioned Wednesday, I had our neighborhood moms’ group over the other night for a craft party. Besides the weed, lemons, & burlap tablescape, I also added a little touch to the dining room, where our main craft table was set up.

fabric tu-tu 22

Remember this no-sew fabric tu-tu we made a couple of years ago? Well, it was time for it to gain a new life…

tu-tu turned decor 01

So first, I just snipped the waistband elastic.

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Then I sewed on a length of ribbon to each end.

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And finally, I scooted a few of the fabric scraps over the sewn parts and hung the whole thing up. [I used thumbtacks to secure the ends to the top of our drizzle blue china cabinet.]

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This upcycle was fast, easy, and free, wheeee!

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And now that the craft party is over, this bunting is hanging in Sis’s room, hooray! šŸ™‚

Well, I hope you and yours have a glorious weekend! Ours is shaping up to be busy but full. Then Monday, I have a fun review and another giveaway, huzzah!! Join us back here at the Camp, won’t you? Wheeeee!


One response to “Tu-Tu Turned Bunting {from our girls’ craft night}

  1. Pingback: Pinterest Craft Party {neighborhood moms’ group} | CampClem·

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