Another Free {weed “floral” arrangement} Tablescape

Remember last month when I hosted our neighborhood Pinterest craft party?

use what you've got tablescape--burlap, weeds, and lemons 11

So fun! I loved having girlfriends over to craft, eat, and hang out… And I loved gathering some neighborhood weeds for the tablescape!

And we all got together at my house again this month (I don’t always host; I just happened to these two times… more to come from that evening). So it was game on, take two, for a thrifty tablescape! 🙂

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A week or two ago, I thought some lovely purple flowers would oblige, from the same field where I cut the yellow flowers. But sadly, they were past their prime by the time our gathering day arrived, so the blooms were mostly fallen.

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But you know–get tangled up, just tango on–I looked around to see what other options there might be in the field. And I saw these in mass. I’m not sure what the technical name is, but they look like stock, lovely romantic stalks, IMHO.

pinterest party weed arrangement tablescape 01So I cut a basketful (and some little daisy-looking weeds, too) and headed home.

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Plus, pretty much anything in a huge bunch can end up making a nice statement, right?! [Insert here slight fear that I will one day arrange a lovely bouquet of something like… poison ivy.]

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I thought about gathering them like in a wheat bunch, but I was not able to bind them close enough to the center point or above, so they ended up toppling over. I also tried to do a burlap-wrapped wheat bunch in a glass trifle bowl with rocks anchoring the bottoms of the stems, but that did not seem very stable either.

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Finally, I bound the bunch together with floral tape…

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…and stuck them into the silver jug that usually lives on top of the china cabinet.

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I added a long strip of burlap tied around the jug and called this arrangement done.

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For the rest of the table, I used that huge piece of raw burlap (same as last month), this time as a tablecloth. I still ended up using the glass trifle bowl, to hold utensils.

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I added a smaller square vase inside it to hold forks and spoons, then added the rocks surrounding the inner vase.

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I fanned a few napkins on a silver plate tray.

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I bunched the mini daisies in a vase next to the stock. [I don’t know these little weeds’ technical name, but they look like lilliputian daisies to me.]

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So there you have it, just something simple and free to act as a backdrop for all the pinterest-inspired yummy food at our gathering!

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YUMMO. The girls brought some super-deliciousness!

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[Oh! And I almost forgot! For plates we used the salad and bread ones from our formal china; they are stacked up on a large pewter plate, on the bottom right in the picture above.]

We had four hours of laughter, eating, and crafting fun, wheeeee!

5 responses to “Another Free {weed “floral” arrangement} Tablescape

  1. Pingback: Another Neighborhood Crafty Party {and a disaster averted} | CampClem·

  2. Pingback: Neighborhood Moms Craft Party {july edition} | CampClem·

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