Fast, Easy Fabric Scrap Tu-Tu Skirt

Time for another girlie-girl craft! I’ve seen these scrap tu-tus all over the internet & pinterest, but I don’t see any tutorials! A fabric scrap tutu is SO easy to make. I whipped up this one in no time!

First, I pulled out some 3/4″ elastic and several coordinating scraps & end bolts from my fabric stash.

You will need enough length of elastic to reach around your daughter once without stretching (mine was about 19″ for our little lady). Then over lap the elastic an inch-and-a-half or so (so it will stretch just a bit when she puts it on). You can do this by hand or run it back and forth in the sewing machine a few times.

You will need several strips of fabric about twice-plus-three-inches the length you want your finished skirt. You can vary the lengths a bit or keep them all uniform. My strips are from about 17″ to 22″ long each and about 1.5″ to 2″ wide. You will need two strips for every inch of elastic (so I used about 34-38 strips for my 19″ of elastic, which was more like 17″ around once sewn). I HIGHLY recommend ripping your fabric strips: you get straight “cuts,” it’s WAY fast, and the rip-rip-ripping is VERY therapeutic. 😉  Simply snip every few inches to start the rip (below), then hold each side and rip away!

Then you’ll have gobs of strips.

Next, alternating fabric strips, fold a piece in half (below left), and tuck the ends through the loop (below right), wrapping it around the elastic as you do.

{click thumbnails to enlarge}

So it will look like this (below). Try not to make the knots so tight that you bunch the elastic–keep the elastic flat so the waist isn’t as bulky. She’s only one, but no girl wants extra inches around the waist, right??

Then repeat that about a million times (or about 36, in this case), and you’re done!


Now, wrangle your model and snap a few pics before she runs off!

“Oi! come back here, Sissy!” Okay, the skirt is easy; getting her to stand still is NOT!

Well, she’s off! {And so am I!} Have a glorious day!

16 responses to “Fast, Easy Fabric Scrap Tu-Tu Skirt

  1. Thank you Gina for blogging this tutorial! It was supper easy, even for a girl that is a little rusty in the arts & crafts area! So a few tips for other rusty girls out there. Stretch the elastic before you sew it & choose woven fabrics instead of prints so both sides look the same! I can’t wait to do my next one, I’m thinking tool!


  2. Oooh, I love these! I’ve used this technique for making scrunchies and scrap necklaces, but I never thought to apply it to making a skirt! I’ll be doing this for my girls as a surprise.


  3. Pingback: The Five-Minute {rampantly ruffled} T-Shirt Tutorial | CampClem·

  4. Pingback: The Liberating Limitation Of Fabric Scraps | CampClem·

  5. I love the skirt and thanks for the tutorial! On the 17th of march (2013) I want to blog about DIY ideas with fabric-scraps. I want to share the link of this tutorial with the first picture with your daughter (because on that pictyre you see perfectly how cute the skirt is). Please let me know if that’s alright with you?


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  7. Pingback: DIY Ruffled Burlap Wreath: Who Knew It Was So Easy? | CampClem·

  8. Pingback: Tu-Tu Turned Bunting {for our girls’ craft night} | CampClem·

  9. Love this so much more than the Tule skirts it’s so bohemian shabby rustic ..
    My little princess is going to look fabulous in one thanks so much for sharing


  10. Wow this is SO cool! I am going to make some for Cheerleading Skirt, but in a bigger size because my Cheer squad are all Ten or Eleven years old. Thank you so much!


  11. Hi- do u use cotton? I imagine the edges would fray right? If u don’t use cotton fabric what kind do u use to avoid the fraying? Thanks


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