Aqua & Magenta Scripture Art {and a giveaway}

Okay, so I’m just going to tell you how it played out. So you can think I’m even more crazy.

I was cutting and washing some celery, putting together a veggie tray for company, when it struck me: The cut-off bottom of a celery stalk is kind of… pretty.

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It looks a bit like a peony or rose a flower starting to bloom, don’t you think? [Just nod your head and smile for me if you don’t see it, m’kay??]

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So I did what any logical person would do when she is making a veggie tray; I grabbed some paints and an 8″ x 10″ canvas. [Kidding! I *did* wait until company left and kids were in bed!]

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Using a foam brush, I applied a little magenta pink and orange paint onto the cut side of the celery.

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Then I stamped it onto the canvas, reapplying paint between stamps. I didn’t love the look (although I think this application could be amazing on curtains, maybe confetti-ed down to the bottom like on this canvas?), but I wasn’t ready to abandon the idea… yet.

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So I haphazardly added some aqua blue on the white areas. This “ocean breeze” color is so happy, and to see it next to the bright pink and orange is a lovely combination.

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BUT it still wasn’t working for me… so I swirled it all together and added some more aqua and pink…

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…And since I was building up so much paint on my canvas, it occurred to me that this was the perfect moment to scratch something into it. [I used the end of a plastic paint brush, the sort that comes in a kids’ crayola paint set.]

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But I wanted a little more definition, so I went back over the cross with a peachy-pink.

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And that looked fine until I started re-scratching in the words. There just wasn’t enough contrast between the paint and the white canvas background.

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So I went over the cross again, this time with the aqua. And girlfriends, it was fabulous.

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So now the lettering showed up just fine.

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Add a little more pink for the heart, and we were in business, y’all.

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Some parts of the background color had dried a little muddy, so I mixed about 1 part paint with 8 parts water and dabbed some color back onto the dull spots.

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Now the colors have such great depth and dimension that I am one happy camper. The final touch was to lightly outline and also go back over my scratched lettering with a very fine paintbrushed line of white paint.

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So there you have it. This is what happens when I set out to make a veggie tray. What’s a crafty girl to do?

NOW this little lovely could be yours! You can gain up to three entries:

1.) LIKE the CampClem facebook page (then come back here and tell me in a comment that you did, or you already had)

2.) SHARE this post on facebook (there’s a facebook share button at the bottom of the post so it’s easy peasy, then come back here and leave a comment telling me you did).

3.) leave a COMMENT on this post… which, actually, I’d love for you to do anyway even if I weren’t giving something away. Just say hello! You know, tell me I’m a little cra-cra for turning veggie plate scraps into an art adventure. Stuff like that. OH! And you don’t have to leave all kinds of personal info on here, like an email address or whatever, to leave a comment, even though there is a fill-in blank for that in the comments section…]

Entries must be submitted by Thursday, July 18th, at 12:00 noon eastern time. Winner will be announced Friday.

Fine Print: I’ll package this little pretty up and mail it to anywhere in the continental US free of charge. If you are outside the continental 48, we’ll talk. Yay for winning!


UPDATE: Congratulations to Tricia! chose your comment as the lucky winner!

Aqua & Magenta Scripture Art giveaway winner

If you haven’t heard from me yet, send me a message on the CampClem facebook page!

38 responses to “Aqua & Magenta Scripture Art {and a giveaway}

  1. You are so creative! This would look wonderful in Abbie’s room – I sure do hope I’m the lucky girl!! Keep ’em coming lady!!


  2. Of course I follow Camp Clem on Facebook.. I just got my first sewing machine and am going back through your awesome tutorials! Can’t wait to see what you come up with next 🙂


  3. Love it!!!! Makes me want to paint today………. I would have to wear gloves because I HATE celery!! LOL!!! 😉 Love ya!!!


  4. I would love to win. I love doing crafts. I am started to make baskets. It is so much fun to make things yourself.


  5. I love the things you post about! And I love how you look at things differently and find inspiration in the beauty of everyday, ordinary things! Keep it up 🙂


  6. I don’t know why I wasn’t already following you on facebook but I am now. Do you also pin things on Pinterest? I have an embroidery machine now but have no idea where to even start using it. I don’t even know how to thread a sewing machine! Thanks for your posts! They are so inspiring and creative.


  7. I love this picture! One of my favorite sayings, and I know just where I’d put it. I’ve already liked your Facebook page (for a while, haha) and I’m liking this post on Facebook right now.


  8. LOVE campclem, shared on my fb wall, and know one special little girl whose room this would be perfect in 🙂 so if i don’t win, can i commission another one 😉


  9. Oooo! Fun! I’ve done celery (and certain lettuce varieties) stamps for Valentine’s Day with my kids. But they did not end up like yours! Gorgeous. And I follow you on facebook too. 🙂
    Thanks for doing a giveaway of your time, talent (and even the shipping!). I appreciate you, as I know many others do also.


  10. This is so cute! Painting is not my forte! Maybe one day I’ll have a beautiful piece of your Art work on my wall! P.S I already follow Camp Clem on Facebook. It’s kind of a guilty pleasure lol.


  11. I love the concept and how carefree you are in your approach. I wish I was more like that. Love your blog, too. Found you quite by accident but glad I did.


  12. Pingback: Cutie Pink Gift Basket For My Nieces | CampClem·

  13. Very pretty! This would match my daughter’s new room and serve as a great reminder of her Savior’s love. I had already liked your facebook page, and I shared your post. 🙂


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