DIY {braided or infinity} Scarf Made From… A Scarf

Okay, so winter is getting in its last throws before spring, and this poor little scarf just couldn’t take it anymore.

01 scarf to scarf

It was a cute ruffle-edged knit number…

02 scarf to scarf

…whose life just sort of unraveled. Literally.

03 scarf to scarf

So rather than go through the tedious process of reruffling (is that a word?) and resewing this scarf, I removed the ruffle the rest of the way around the edge, leaving me with two looooong intestine like ropes of knit goodness.

04 scarf to scarf

Is it really a true upcycle if you make a scarf into… a scarf? I don’t know, but first I did a two strand quickie braid (I guess I’ll need to post a tutorial on how to do this because I can’t find one, boo!).

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I love the huge chainlink sort of look it created.

scarf to scarf

But in the end, I went with a simple look, just looping the two ropes around my neck a gazillion times into a loose infinity scarf.

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So that’s how I made a brand new scarf out of, umm… a scarf. I’m crafty like that.

But let’s face it, in a throw-away culture, it feels good to give something another go, right? Wheeee!

Any articles of clothing in your wardrobe that could do with a little renovation? Do tell!


You might like these other wardrobe rescues…

LINK Shirt Collar Refashion {from floppy to fantastic in ten seconds}

LINK how to turn an old dress into a new skirt {in five minutes flat}

LINK Using What You Already Have Free New Necklace

One response to “DIY {braided or infinity} Scarf Made From… A Scarf

  1. Pingback: Simple Two Strand Braid {for scarf, jewelry, or garland making} | CampClem·

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