Multi-Fabric Little Girl Dress {matilda jane inspired}

I just love the cute, whimsical clothes offered at Matilda Jane. They pair together fabrics in such a way that gives their dresses a sort of fun, upscale ragamuffin look. Relaxed and charming, it was a look I knew I wanted to duplicate for Sis.

07 Sis sew new outfits aqua trio

After sewing those pinafore style shirts the last couple of weeks, I knew it would be simple to make a dress in the same style. All I needed to do was lengthen the top and add a ruffle.

dress full view

Of course, the first time I completed it and tried it on Sis, it was a little snug to get on…

dress inserting button back

…So I cut it right back up. I slit it down the middle of the back and opened the seam between the bodice and the ruffled bottom.

dress folded back open

I widened the back a bit by adding a couple of small panels of fabric (and more polka dots, yay!). I love a mistake turned fabulous. Get tangled up, just tango on!

dress back open

I included a little loop of elastic for a button closure.

dress folded back

And–oh!–I do love a good gumball button! PERFECT for this dress! [I did consider a fabric button, but went this route in the end.]

dress flowers

I sewed on a  couple of my super-fast shabby fabric flowers. [They are so easy, fast, and simple to make! Click here for the tute.]

dress all done

And it was ready to go… again!

01 dress fabrics

I must confess, putting all these different prints and colors together in one piece was a little out of my comfort zone…

dress model side

But I just LOVE the way it turned out!!

dress model front

So I guess it pays to take a chance sometimes, yeah?

dress model back

And I’m thinking this dress will carry us right into the fall with a long sleeve or turtleneck and leggings layered underneath.

dress model flouncing


Now I’m thinking I need to make one in lovely fall colors, plums and browns, maybe? Perhaps add a little apron front? Hmm…

[Update: here’s the full photo tutorial on how to make a [similar] knot top/dress!]

10 responses to “Multi-Fabric Little Girl Dress {matilda jane inspired}

  1. Pingback: Adding Fun Details To A Simple Tunic | CampClem·

  2. Pingback: Yes. I Am That Mom. {basketball season version} | CampClem·

  3. Pingback: The Knot Top: A Simple Step-By-Step Tutorial | CampClem·

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