If You Have A Dream {just start somewhere}

For years I’ve had this dream. And oftentimes I think it’s kinda dumb because it’s not a big dream, but it just hasn’t happened yet. And sometimes when small dreams lay dormant long, they begin to feel bigger and further out of grasp. Less likely to materialize.

dream garden

We’ve been here before: pinning and pining. Remember a couple of years ago when we talked about the impossible dreams? And here I am again, still learning the same lesson.

Silly Gina.


biggie digs

So–okay, don’t laugh–I’ve wanted to start a veggie garden for a long time. Earth shattering, right? I don’t think you’d laugh at the silliness of that idea, but perhaps that it is a “dream” at all. Most of you probably think no big deal, just git ‘er done… But I think I’ve wanted so much to be sure of doing it well that I’ve left off doing it at all. [Do you ever do that in life, wait for perfection before you jump in?] I’m trying to improve in that area!

Anyhow, it’s late in the season, but when Li’l Bro started expressing the same dream, I decided it is TIME!

veggie garden 01

So I grabbed several pots (most of which have been painted… ahem, um, more than once!), and some spray paint I had on hand: a light aqua, a medium teal, and the green from the swingset.

veggie garden 02

With a drop cloth, a couple of pieces of scrap wood, and 3 shades of spray paint, I made short work of their new look.

veggie garden 03

One of my awesome neighbors and friends gave Li’l Bro some squash plants when she was thinning and some okra seeds (which we soaked overnight), and another friend recommended square foot gardening (so we know there should only be one squash in each of these pots… But Li’l Bro wants to thin too, ha!).

veggie garden 04

And it’s so fun just to see something started! It might not be the dream raised beds, or the fully developed plan, but it’s a beginning! [We are working on fancier markers for our plants. But meanwhile, Li’l Bro has been saving seeds from everything lately (so so so sweet), so he also planted cherry seeds, apple seeds, and a peach seed. Ha! We’ll see if anything sprouts!

veggie garden 05

[See Sis there running her hands up the plant? That’s thyme… Why she loves to do THAT in the next pic…]

veggie garden 06

[Oh! Thyme smells so good!] Li’l Bro brought a thyme plant home from preschool a couple of years ago and requested to plant it in our front garden, where it lived happily for two years, undeterred even by the cold winters until this year when I thought it was quite dead, so I pulled it up and threw it away… only to see a new shoot of it spring up and flourish within a week! So we transplanted that to Li’l Bro’s container garden too.

container veggie garden

Of course, like with everything of this ilk, I wondered why I’ve waited so long to add this happy little corner to the back porch!

Anything you’ve been dreaming of lately, big or small? Why wait?! Start somewhere, and remember: get tangled up, just tango on!

Wheeee! blog signature

One response to “If You Have A Dream {just start somewhere}

  1. Pingback: How To Make Garden Tags {simple, cute, & waterproof} | CampClem·

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